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 HUANG Wen,HU Mao-rong,ZHANG Chong-ni.Cognitive function in Chinese ultra-high-risk schizophrenia group: a meta-analysis[J].,2018,(04):375-382.





Cognitive function in Chinese ultra-high-risk schizophrenia group: a meta-analysis
黄闻 胡茂荣 张翀旎
HUANG Wen HU Mao-rong ZHANG Chong-ni
The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330006,China Corresponding author: ZHANG Chong-ni, E-mail: zhangchni@126.com
Schizophrenia Ultra-high-risk group Cognitive function Meta-analysis
目的通过meta 分析探究中国精神分裂症超高危人群认知功能情况。方法在中国生物医学文献数据 库、中国知网、万方、维普等中文数据库及Cochrane 图书馆、Pubmed、Medline、Elsevier等英文数据库中搜集 中国精神分裂症超高危人群认知功能相关病例对照研究,提取资料并评价偏倚风险,采用RevMan 5.3 软件进 行meta 分析。结果纳入14 篇研究,466 例研究对象。精神分裂症超高危人群在连线测验A (P=0.02)、符号 编码测验(P<0.01)、语义流畅性测验(P=0.04)、持续操作测验(P<0.01)、空间广度测验(P<0.01)、霍普 金斯词语学习测验(P=0.0003)、简易视觉记忆测验(P<0.01)、迷宫测验(P=0.007)、Stroop色-词试验(P< 0.01) 成绩均低于健康人群;情绪管理测验差异无统计学意义(P=0.33)。结论精神分裂症超高危人群存在相 对广泛的认知功能损害,注意力与警觉性损害更严重。
Objective To investigate the cognitive function in Chinese ultra- high- risk schizophrenia group by meta-analysis. Methods Case-control studies of cognitive function in Chinese ultra-highrisk schizophrenia group were collected in CBM, CNKI, Wan Fang, VIP, Cochrane Library, Pubmed, Medline and Elsevie database. The risks of bias of included studies were assessed, and metaanalysis was performed by using RevMan 5.3. Results Totally 14 studies were recruited, including 466 samples. In the relative group, excepting Managing Emotions test (P=0.33) , the results of Trail Marking test (P=0.02) , Symbol Coding test (P<0.01) , Verbal Fluency test (P=0.04) , Continuous Performance test (P<0.01) , Third Edition Spatial Span (P<0.01) , Hopkins Verbal Leaning test-Revised (P=0.0003) , Simple Visual Memory test-revised (P<0.01) , Neuropsychological Assessment Battery Mazesedition (P=0.007) and Stroop Colorr- Word test (P<0.01) were worse than those in the control group. Conclusions The ultra-high-risk schizophrenia group has relatively widespread cognitive impairments range. There are more serious damages in attention and vigilance function.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(81360211) 作者简介:黄闻,硕士研究生,研究方向:精神分裂症慢 性病防治 通信作者:张翀旎,E-mail:zhangchni@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-04-28