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 ZHU He*,SUN Liang,CHEN Rui,et al.Observation of the effect of remote follow-up platform in the management of chronic kidney disease[J].,2018,(04):387-390.





Observation of the effect of remote follow-up platform in the management of chronic kidney disease
朱合1 孙亮1 陈蕊2 毕光宇2 卜玲2 张燕2 徐道亮12
1. 中南大学湘雅二医院,长沙410013; 2. 江苏省苏北人民医院,江苏扬州225001
ZHU He* SUN Liang CHEN Rui BI Guang-yu PU Ling ZHANG Yan XU Dao-liang
*Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410013, China Corresponding author: XU Dao-liang, E-mail: yzxdl@126.com
Remote follow-up platform Chronic kidney disease Telemedicine Rehospitalization rate
目的探讨远程随访平台在慢性肾脏病(CKD) 患者随访中的应用价值,为提高疗效作参考。方法 选取曾于苏北人民医院肾内科住院治疗后出院的CKD 3~5期非透析CKD 患者165例,随机分为远程随访组、定 期门诊随访组及非定期随访组,随访12 个月。对比三组CKD 患者的血压、血红蛋白、血清白蛋白、24 h 尿蛋白 定量、肾小球滤过率(eGFR) 及再住院率等指标。结果与非定期门诊随访组相比较,远程随访组和定期门诊 随访组血压、血红蛋白、血清白蛋白、24 h 尿蛋白定量、eGFR 及再住院率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);而 远程随访组与定期门诊随访组间上述指标比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论在CKD 3~5期非透析患 者中,应用远程随访平台能够达到定期门诊随访同样的医疗质量,有利于延缓CKD 进展,并且远程随访模式更 能减少再住院率。
Objective To investigate the value of the remote follow-up platform in the management of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) . Methods Totally 165 CKD3- 5 non- dialysis patients who were discharged from Subei People’s Hospital after treatment were divided into the remote followup group, the regular outpatient follow-up group and unscheduled follow-up group. After one year’s follow- up, blood pressure, hemoglobin, serum albumin, 24h albuminuria, eGFR and hospitalization were compared among the 3 groups. Results Compared with the unscheduled follow-up group, blood pressure, hemoglobin, serum albumin, 24h albuminuria, eGFR in the remote follow-up group and the regular outpatient follow-up group were significantly different (P<0.05) , and there was no significant difference between the latter two groups. Conclusion The remote follow- up mode can achieve the same medical quality comparing with the regular outpatient follow- up mode for the patients with CKD3-5 non-dialysis, and both of them are able to delay the deterioration of renal function. Inaddition, the remote follow-up mode can decrease rehospitalization rate.


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基金项目:扬州市社发项目(QZ201430053) 作者简介: 朱合,研究生,研究方向:原发性肾小球疾病、 慢性肾脏病治疗 通信作者:徐道亮,E-mail:yzxdl@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-04-28