|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]欧阳文波,黄江山,徐勇军,等.抗菌药物对Hp 感染胃溃疡患者血清胃蛋白酶原水平的影响[J].慢性病学杂志,2017,(08):861-863.
 OUYANG Wen-bo*,HUANG Jiang-shan,XU Yong-jun,et al.Effect of antibacterials on serum pepsinogen levels in patients with gastric ulcer of Hp infection[J].,2017,(08):861-863.

抗菌药物对Hp 感染胃溃疡患者血清胃蛋白酶原水平的影响(PDF)




Effect of antibacterials on serum pepsinogen levels in patients with gastric ulcer of Hp infection
欧阳文波1 黄江山1 徐勇军2 刘伟民3 涂育臻1
1. 厦门大学附属第一医院检验科,福建厦门361000; 2. 复旦大学附属儿科医院厦门分院检验科,上海200000; 3. 厦门市中医院检验科,福建厦门361000
OUYANG Wen-bo* HUANG Jiang-shan XU Yong-jun LIU Wei-min TU Yu-zhen
*Department of Clinical Laboratory, the First Affiliated Hospital, Xiamen University, Xiamen Fujian 361000, China Corresponding author: TU Yu-zhen, E-amil: xmsmoywb@sina.com
Pepsinogen Gastric ulcer Helicobacter pylori
目的探讨抗菌药物对幽门螺杆菌(Hp) 感染胃溃疡患者血清中胃蛋白酶原水平的影响及治疗效果。方 法选取厦门大学附属第一医院2015 年10 月—2016 年9 月收治并确诊Hp 阳性胃溃疡患者86 例,随机分为对照 组(奥美拉唑治疗) 和观察组(奥美拉唑和阿莫西林联合治疗),每组43 例,比较两组治疗前后的血清胃蛋白酶 原Ⅰ (PGⅠ)、PGⅡ水平,并观察两组的治疗效果。结果两组治疗前的血清PGⅠ、PGⅡ水平比较,差异无 统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后两组患者的血清PGⅠ、PGⅡ水平明显下降,其中观察组PGⅠ、PGⅡ水平分别 为(137.10±12.27) μg/L、(8.69±1.09) μg/L,明显低于对照组(P<0.05),同时观察组患者的治疗总有效率为 95.35%,显著高于对照组的74.42% (P<0.05)。结论抗菌药物治疗Hp 感染胃溃疡患者具有更好的疗效,并 可有效的降低血清中PGⅠ、PGⅡ的水平。
Objective To explore the effect of antibacterials on serum pepsinogen levels in patients with gastric ulcer of Hp infection and its curative effect. Methods A total of 86 patients with gastric ulcer of Hp infection were selected in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University from October 2015 to September 2016 and divided into control group (n=43, treated with omeprazole) and study group (n=43, treated with amepprazole and metronidazole) . The serum levels of PGI and PGII were compared before and after treatment, and curative effects were observed between the two groups. Results There was no difference on PG Ⅰ, PGⅡ levels in the two groups before treatment (all P> 0.05) . The PG Ⅰ, PG Ⅱ levels in the two groups were all decreased after treatment (all P<0.05) . The PG Ⅰ, PG Ⅱ levels in study group after treatment were (137.10± 12.27) μg/L, (8.69± 1.09) μg/ L, respectively, and they were lower than those in control group (all P<0.05) . The treatment effective rate (95.35%) in study group was significantly higher than that in control group (74.42%)(P< 0.05) . Conclusion Antibiotic treatment may have better efficacy and can effectively reduce serum PG Ⅰ and PGⅡ levels in patients with gastric ulcer of Hp infection.


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通信作者:涂育臻,E-amil: xmsmoywb@sina.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-09-08