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[1]房巧玲,张军,周林.2013 年济南市居民卒中和冠心病急性发病情况分析[J].慢性病学杂志,2015,(02):180-184.
 FANG Qiao-ling,ZHANG Jun,ZHOU Lin.Analysis on Jinan resident monitoring data of stroke and acute coronary heart disease in 2013[J].,2015,(02):180-184.

2013 年济南市居民卒中和冠心病急性发病情况分析(PDF)




Analysis on Jinan resident monitoring data of stroke and acute coronary heart disease in 2013
房巧玲 张军 周林
FANG Qiao-ling ZHANG Jun ZHOU Lin
Jinan Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jinan 250021, China Corresponding author: FANG Qiao-ling, E-mail: fqlmdp@163.com
Stroke Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) Sudden coronary death Morbidity rate Mortality rate Surveillance
目的了解2013 年济南市居民卒中和冠心病急性发病情况。方法参照山东省疾病监测系统报告的 济南市居民脑卒中、冠心病急性病例监测资料,分析2013 年济南市居民脑卒中、冠心病急性发病情况。采 用Excel 软件建立数据库,SPSS 13.0 统计软件进行描述性分析,P≤0.05 为差异有统计学意义。结果① 2013 年济南市7 个项目区居民卒中累计报告发病12 175 例,监测区户籍人口发病率为272.4/10 万;死亡 2 342 例, 户籍人口死亡率为52.4/10 万; 根据2000 年中国标准人口计算, 标化发病率和死亡率分别为 187.6/10 万和34.5/10 万。卒中男性发病率和死亡率均高于女性(χ2=138.20、P<0.01, χ2=15.31、P< 0.01);50 岁以上年龄组发病率和死亡率均较50 岁以下年龄组增加(χ2=24 393.54、P<0.01; χ2=5 006.89、 P<0.01)。② 2013 年济南市居民累计报告冠心病急性发病4 531 例,监测区户籍人口发病率为101.4/10 万;累计死亡2 121 例,户籍人口死亡率为47.5/10 万;标化发病率和死亡率分别为68.3/10 万和30.7/10 万。冠心病急性发病发病率男性高于女性(χ2=8.87、P<0.01),死亡率男性、女性比较差异无统计学意义 (χ2=2.34、P=0.128); 50 岁以上年龄组发病率和死亡率均高于50 岁以下(χ2=9 192.48、P<0.01; χ2= 4 558.84、P<0.01)。结论2013 年济南市居民脑卒中合计大于300/10 万,冠心病急性病例粗发病率较 高,发病率有随年龄增加而增长的趋势。
Objective To understand the morbidity and mortality rates of stroke and acute coronary heart disease among residents in Jinan. Methods All data of cerebral apoplexy and acute coronary heart disease monitoring cases in Jinan reported by Shandong Province Disease Surveillance System in 2013 were analyzed. A database was established by Excel 2003, and SPSS 13.0 was used for descriptive analysis. P≤0.05 was counted as statistical significance. Results 1) In 2013, there were 12 175 stroke (cerebral apoplexy) cases reported in the 7 project sites of Jinan. The incidence of census register population was 272.4/100 000. Overall cases of death were 2 342, and mortality rate of census register population was 52.4/100 000. According to the standard population in China in 2 000, the standardized stroke morbidity and mortality rate was 187.6/100 000 and 34.5/100 000 respectively. The incidence and mortality rates among males of stroke were higher than among females, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=138.20, P<0.01; χ2=15.31, P<0.01). The incidence and mortality rates of stroke in 50 years or older age group were higher than that of younger age group and the differencewas statistically significant (χ2=24 393.54, P<0.01; χ2=5 006.89, P<0.01). 2) There were 4 531 acute cases of coronary heart disease reported by the project sites, and the incidence of census register population was 101.4/100 000. Overall 2 121 cases of death were reported, and the population mortality rate was 47.5/100 000. Standardized incidence and mortality rate was 68.3/100 000 and 30.7/100 000 respectively. The incidence of acute coronary heart disease among males was higher than among females, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=8.87, P<0.01). The mortality rate of acute coronary heart disease among males was higher than among females, but the difference was not statistical significance (χ2=2.34, P=0.128). The incidence and mortality rates of acute coronary heart disease in 50 years or older age group were higher than that of younger age group, and the difference was statistical significance (χ2=9 192.48, P<0.01; χ2= 4 558.84, P<0.01). Conclusions The overall crude morbidity rates of stroke and acute coronary heart disease were both high in Jinan residents (>300/100 000), and there was a clear increasing trend with age.


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作者简介:房巧玲,硕士,副主任医师,主要从事慢性病防控工作 通信作者:房巧玲,E-mail:fqlmdp@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-04-15