|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]袁媛,李健,兰玲,等.245 例药物性肝损伤病例的临床流行病学特征描述[J].慢性病学杂志,2015,(02):170-172.
 YUAN Yuan,LI Jian,LAN Ling,et al.Analysis of clinical characteristics among 245 cases of patients with drug-induced liver damage[J].,2015,(02):170-172.

245 例药物性肝损伤病例的临床流行病学特征描述(PDF)




Analysis of clinical characteristics among 245 cases of patients with drug-induced liver damage
袁媛 李健 兰玲 刘博伟 于静 张昊 谢甲贝 张建民
YUAN YuanLI Jian LAN LingLIU Bo-weiYU JinZHANG Hao XIE Jia-bei ZHANG Jian-ming
Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhengzhou 450003, China Corresponding author: LI Jian, E-mail: jiuwei@163.com
Drug induced liver injury Clinical characters
目的描述性分析245 例药物性肝损伤(DILI) 患者临床流行病学特点。方法回顾性分析DILI 患 者年龄、性别、药物、病理、预后等临床资料。采用SPSS 12.0 统计软件,计数资料比较采用χ2 检验,计 量资料比较采用t 检验。P≤0.05 为差异有统计学意义。结果245 例DILI 患者,男性151 例、女性94 例 (P=0.877); 肝细胞型160 例(65.30%), 胆汁淤积型27 例(11.02%), 混合型58 例(23.67%); G2 级 87.50%,G3 级12.50%;S0 级12.50%,S2 级50.00%,S3 级25.00%,S2~3 级12.50%。伴发的基础疾病 前3 位分别为心血管疾病68 例(27.75%)、呼吸系统疾病54 例(22.04%)、内分泌疾病30 例(12.24%); 引起DILI 药物最多见的是中药61 例(24.90%),其次为心血管药物34 例(13.88%)。根据病情停用致病药 物或减低致病药物用量及相应保肝对症治疗, 治疗后肝功能完全恢复83 例(33.88%), 好转159 例 (64.90%);5 例重症肝病经综合治疗后,2 例治愈,3 例因病情较重或其他原因转其他医院进一步治疗,预 后不详。结论DILI 临床发病率高,以肝细胞型多见,伴发基础疾病多,中药是最常见致病药物,根据病 情停用致病药物或减低致病药物用量及相应保肝对症治疗效果好。
Objective To analyze the clinical characters among 245 cases of patients with Drug-Induced Liver Damage (DILI). Methods 245 DILI patients from inpatient departments in our hospital were included in the study, and the clinical data of age, sex, drugs, liver biopsy pathological data, and prognosis of patients were analyzed retrospectively. SPSS 12.0 was used to analyze the data. Chi- Square test was used to compare categorical variables between groups, and t-test was used to compare continuous variables. P≤0.05 was counted as statistically significant. Results There were 151 males and 94 females among 245 DILI patients (P=0.877),. According to the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences scale, there were 160 cases with hepatocellular type (65.30%), 27 cases with cholestatic type (11.02%), and 58 cases with mixed type (23.67%). According to Metavir scale, 87.50% was G2 and 12.50% was G3; S0, S2, S3 and S2- 3 was respectively 12.50% , 50.00% , 25.00% , and 12.50% . The top three foundation diseases were cardiovascular diseases 68 cases (27.75% ), respiratory system diseases 54 cases (22.04% ), and endocrine disease 30 cases (12.24% ). Among the drug caused to liver damage, Chinese herbs was top one which accounted 61cases (24.90%), following by cardiovascular drugs, which caused 34 cases (13.88% ). Depending on the conditions, DILI were controlled ordoses were reduced. After liver protection therapy, liver functions were recovery among 83 cases (33.88%), and, improved in 159 cases (64.90%). Among 5 cases of severe liver disease accepted comprehensive treatment, 2 cases were cured and the other 3 cases were transferred to other hospitals for further treatments because of illness or other reasons whose prognosis is unknown. Conclusions The incidence of DILI is high in this study, and hepatocellular type is the major type. Chinese herbs is the most common drugs that lead to liver damage. In order to prevent DILI, drugs should be withdrawn or dose reduced, and liver-protecting therapy should be used at the same time to improve effects.


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作者简介:袁媛,硕士,主治医师,主要从事消化系统疾病的基础与临床工作 通信作者:李健,E-mail: jiuwei@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-04-15