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 LIN Xiu-quan,ZHONG Wen-ling,LIN Shu-guang.The epidemiological investigation on the prevalence of depression among the permanent residents aged 18 and above in Fujian province[J].,2014,(07):523-525.





The epidemiological investigation on the prevalence of depression among the permanent residents aged 18 and above in Fujian province
林修全 钟文玲 林曙光
LIN Xiu-quan ZHONG Wen-ling LIN Shu-guang
Fujian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Fuzhou ,Fujian 350001, China Corresponding author:LIN Xiu-quan,E-mail:34513956@qq.com
Depression Prevalence Permanent residents
目的了解福建省18 岁及以上常住居民抑郁的流行状况。方法采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方法抽 取福建省10 个有代表性的疾病监测点,共6 016 人,进行个人问卷调查。以第六次人口普查福建省常住人 口数据作为校正人口,估计福建省不同人群抑郁患病率。采用χ2 检验与χ2 分割法比较不同人群之间抑郁患 病率的差异性。结果福建省18 岁及以上常住居民抑郁患病率为7.2%。男性低于女性,城市高于农村, 差异均具有统计学意义(χ2=12.994,P<0.01,χ2=9.834,P=0.002);18~44 岁与45~59 岁组均低于60 岁 及以上组(χ2=15.369, P<0.01, χ2=13.504, P<0.01), 但18~44 岁与45~59 岁组差异无统计学意义 (χ2=0.286, P=0.593)。80 岁及以上的女性与农村常住居民抑郁患病率上升明显, 分别达到41.6% 和 35.0%。结论抑郁已成为福建省18 岁及以上常住居民的常见精神障碍, 且存在男女、城乡、年龄组差 异;尤其是80 岁及以上的女性与农村常住居民抑郁高发。
Objective To understand the prevalence of depression among the permanent residents aged 18 and above in Fujian Province. Methods A multi-stage cluster random sampling method was used to extract 10 representative disease surveillance points from Fujian Province. A total of 6016 permanent residents were conducted a personal investigation. According to the sixth census data, the prevalence rates of depression in different populations in Fujian Province were estimated. χ2 test and χ2 segmentation method were used to compare the prevalence of depression from different populations. Results The prevalence of depression among the permanent residents aged 18 and above in Fujian Province was 7.2%. The distribution characteristics were those: Men are lower than women and in urban areas higher than in rural areas. Their differences were significant (χ2 = 12.994, P<0.001, χ2 = 9.834, P= 0.002); 18 to 44 years old and 45 to 59 years old were lower than 60 years old and above (χ2=15.369, P< 0.001, χ2 = 13.504, P<0.001), but the difference between 18 to 44 years old and 45 to 59 years old was not significant (χ2=0.286, P=0.593). The prevalence of depression among women and rural residents aged 80 and above increased rapidly, reaching to 41.6% and 35.0%. Conclusions Depression has become a common mental disorder in Fujian Province, and the differences exist between men and women, urban and rural , ages; especially high in women and rural residents aged 80 and above.


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基金项目:福建省疾病预防控制中心青年科研课题(2011-22) 作者简介:林修全,硕士,医师,主要从事慢性病防治工作 通信作者:林修全,E-mail:34513956@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2014-08-30