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 CAO Jia-jia,CHEN Xu,DIAO Zeng-li,et al.Patients with chronic heart failure incidence of liver and kidney function damage and the NT-pro-BNP correlation analysis[J].,2014,(07):519-522.





Patients with chronic heart failure incidence of liver and kidney function damage and the NT-pro-BNP correlation analysis
曹佳佳 陈旭 刁增利 黄宇玲 李素新 张放 张志强 王志军
CAO Jia-jia CHEN Xu DIAO Zeng-li HUANG Yu-ling LI Su-xin ZHANG Fang ZHANG Zhi-qiang WANG Zhi-jun
Department of Cardiology, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei United University, Tangshan , Hebei 063000, China Corresponding author: WANG Zhi-jun,E-mail: wzj300@163.com
Chronic heart failure Liver function damage Renal insufficiency N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide
目的观察慢性心力衰竭(chronic heart failure,CHF) 患者肝肾功能损害发生率,探讨丙氨酸氨基 转移酶(ALT)、肌酐(Cr)、N- 末端脑钠肽前体(N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide, NT-pro- BNP) 水平与左室射血分数(LVEF) 的关系。方法回顾性分析142 例CHF 患者的临床资料, 根据 LVEF 分为两组,LVEF 降低的心衰(HF-REF) 组和LVEF 保留的心衰(HF-PEF) 组,比较两组患者 基础病因、NT-pro-BNP 水平及肝肾功能损害发生率,以及ALT、Cr、NT-pro-BNP 水平与LVEF 的相 关性。结果142 例CHF 患者中冠心病103 例(72.54%),高血压性心脏病21 例(14.79%),扩张型心肌 病9 例(6.34%),老年性瓣膜病8 例(5.63%),先天性心脏病1 例(0.72%)。HF-REF 组肝功能损害、肾 功能不全的发生率分别为49.30% 、49.30% , HF- PEF 组分别为12.68% 、15.49% 。HF- REF 组ALT、 Cr、NT-pro-BNP 水平均高于HF-PEF 组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。ALT、Cr 与NT-pro-BNP 呈 正相关(r 分别为0.545 、0.522 , P < 0.01); ALT 、Cr 和NT-pro-BNP 与LVEF 呈负相关(r 分 别为-0.273、-0.155、-0.352,P<0.01)。结论CHF 患者基础病因以冠心病为主,常合并肝肾功能损 害,ALT、Cr 及NT-pro-BNP 水平的高低对判断心衰的严重程度有一定的评估价值。
Objective To observe occurrence rate ofliver and kidney dysfunction in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF), to explore the relationship between alanine aminotransferase (ALT), creatinine (Cr), NT-pro-BNP levels and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Methods A total of 142 CHF patients were divided into two groupsaccording to LVEF: heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFREF) group and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HF-PEF) group. Underlying causes, NTpro- BNP levels and the incidences of liver and kidney dysfunction in the two groups were compared. And the correlations of ALT, Cr, NT - pro - BNP levels with LVEF were analyzed. Results There were 103 cases(72.54% ) with coronary heart disease, 21 cases (14.79% ) with hypertensive heart disease, 9 cases (6.34%) with dilated cardiomyopathy, 8 cases (5.63%) with senile valve disease, 1 case (0.72%) with congenital heart disease. The incidences of hepatic dysfunction and renal dysfunction were 49.30% and 49.30% in HF-REF group and 12.68% and 15.49% in HF-PEF group, respectively. The levels of ALT, Cr, NT-pro-BNP in HF-REF group were higher than those in HF-PEF group andthe differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). ALT and Cr were positively correlated with NTpro- BNP (r=0.545 and 0.522, respectively; all P<0.01);ALT, Cr and NT-pro-BNP were negatively correlated with LVEF (r=-0.273, -0.155, -0.352, respectively; all P<0.01). Conclusions Coronary heart disease is the main fundamental cause of CHF patients, and CHF is often associated with liver and kidney dysfunction.The levels of ALT, Cr and NT-pro-BNP have indicativevalues for the severity of heart failure.


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基金项目:唐山市科技局基金资助项目(12140209A-16) 作者简介:曹佳佳,在读硕士,研究方向为心内科疾病的诊治 通信作者:王志军,E-mail: wzj300@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2014-08-30