|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]叶石才,孙碧兰,冯晓,等.溃疡性结肠炎患者血清IL-33 表达水平及其临床意义[J].慢性病学杂志,2014,(06):438-440.
 YE Shi-cai,SUN Bi-lan,FENG Xiao,et al.Clinical significance of serum IL-33 concentration detection in patients with ulcerative colitis[J].,2014,(06):438-440.

溃疡性结肠炎患者血清IL-33 表达水平及其临床意义(PDF)




Clinical significance of serum IL-33 concentration detection in patients with ulcerative colitis
叶石才 孙碧兰 冯晓 周宇
YE Shi-cai SUN Bi-lan FENG Xiao ZHOU Yu
The Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical College, Zhanjiang,Guangdong 524001, China Corresponding author: ZHOU Yu, E-mail: ahdg2005@126.com
Ulcerative colitis Interleukin-33 ELISA
目的检测溃疡性结肠炎患者(ulcerative colitis,UC) 血清中IL-33 的表达,探讨其与UC 炎症活 动期的关系及在激素治疗前后和临床转归的变化。方法应用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测88 例UC 患者 血清IL-33 水平,其中活动期65 例,缓解期23 例;其中40 例中重度UC 患者接受泼尼松治疗,30 例健康 人为正常对照组。病例组分别根据临床分期、活动期病变程度进行分组,比较各组血清中IL-33 表达的差 异。结果病例组活动期血清IL-33 为[(59.54±19.37)ng/L,显著高于缓解期[(22.26±5.23)ng/L]及对照组 [(20.84±3.25)ng/L],差异均有统计学意义(t=10.840,P<0.001;t=9.082,P<0.01);活动期,轻、中、重 度UC 患者血清IL-33 水平差异有统计学意义(F=98.620,P<0.01);激素敏感型UC 患者经泼尼松治疗 后血清IL-33 水平较治疗前下降,差异有统计学意义(t=8.040,P<0.01);激素抵抗或依赖型UC 患者经 泼尼松治疗前后血清IL-33 水平差异无统计学意义(t=0.163,P>0.05 )。UC 活动期血清IL-33 水平与UC 活动性的改良Mayo 评分呈正相关(r=0.762, P<0.01)。结论IL- 33 的表达与UC 的发生、发展呈正相 关,且与UC 的炎症活动明显相关,可作为判断UC 患者病变严重程度和激素治疗敏感性的指标之一。
Objective To evaluate the expression of IL-33 in serum of ulcerative colitis(UC) patients and to investigate the effect of IL-33 on metastasis of UC. Methods Sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was applied to test IL-33 in serum of 88 UC patients and 30 healthy controls.The patients included active UC patients in 65 cases, inactive UC patients in 23 cases. After that, we compared the data of different groups. At the same time, in accordance with clinical stage and disease severity to categorize groups, we compared among the groups of serum IL-33 differences in order to explore its relationship with patients’prognosis and metastasis. Results The IL-33 of active UC patients in blood before the surgery was expressed highly [(59.54 ± 19.37)ng/L]. It was the most striking difference among inactive UC patients [(22.26 ± 5.23)ng/L] and the healthy controls [(20.84 ± 3.25)ng/L] ( P<0.01). There were significant differences among mild active UC group, moderate active UC group and severe active UC group. After hydrocortisone treatment,the level of IL- 33 in blood was significantly decreased in hormone sensitive UC patients, while it was not statistical significance in steroid-resistant UC patients. The expression of IL-33 was positively correlated with the modified Mayo Score in active UC patients (r=0.762,P<0.01). Conclusions The expression of IL- 33 has positive correlation with the occurrence,development and metastasis of UC. It is probably a new indicator for diagnosis and estimating prognosis of UC.


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作者简介:叶石才,硕士,主治医师,研究方向为消化疾病诊治及内镜治疗 通信作者:周宇,E-mail: ahdg2005@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2014-07-30