|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]徐英杰,尹羽薇,董清平.中药超微粉对骨性关节炎兔关节软骨中MMP-1 和TIMP-1 表达 的影响及意义[J].慢性病学杂志,2014,(06):434-437.
 XU Ying-jie*,YIN Yu-wei,DONG Qing-ping.Effects of Chinese medicine submicron powder on matrix metalloproteinase-1 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 expression among rabbit model with osteoarthritis[J].,2014,(06):434-437.

中药超微粉对骨性关节炎兔关节软骨中MMP-1 和TIMP-1 表达 的影响及意义(PDF)




Effects of Chinese medicine submicron powder on matrix metalloproteinase-1 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 expression among rabbit model with osteoarthritis
徐英杰1 尹羽薇2 董清平3
1.黑龙江中医药大学,黑龙江哈尔滨150040;2.黑龙江中医药大学附属第二医院,黑龙江哈尔滨150040; 3.黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院,黑龙江哈尔滨150040
XU Ying-jie* YIN Yu-wei DONG Qing-ping
* Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Haerbin, Heilongjiang 150040,China Corresponding author: YIN Yu-wei, E-mail: xwb7021@163.com
Osteoarthritis Chinese medicine submicron powder matrix Metalloproteinase Rabbits
:目的探讨中药超微粉对骨性关节炎兔关节软骨中基质金属蛋白酶- 1 (MMP- 1) 及其抑制剂 (TIMP-1) 表达的影响及意义。方法采用Hulht 手术方法建立兔右膝骨性关节炎模型40 只,分成模型对 照组、传统中药组、玻璃酸钠组、中药贴膜组,每组10 只;另取10 只健康白兔,正常条件下饲养,右膝作 为空白对照组。模型对照组:采用医用橡皮膏帖敷于动物右膝关节,1 次/d,12 h/次;传统中药组:采用普通 粉碎方法加入促透剂制成中药(药物组成与中药超微粉组相同) 帖敷于动物右膝关节,1 次/d,12 h/次;玻璃 酸钠组:膝关节关节腔内注射玻璃酸钠0.25 ml,1 次/周;中药超微粉组:采用配置好的中药贴膜贴敷治 疗,1 次/d,12 h/次;疗程均为6 周。治疗结束后,拍摄各组动物右膝关节正侧位平片,以评价疗效;取 各组大鼠膝关节软骨组织,采用免疫组织化学法检测膝关节软骨组织中MMP-1 及TIMP-1 表达量。采用 SPSS 13.0 统计软件进行方差分析,比较各组表达量的差别。结果右膝关节正侧位平片显示中药超微粉 组的疗效优于传统中药组。与空白对照组比较,模型对照组MMP-1 表达增高,TIMP-1 表达量降低;与 模型对照组比较,玻璃酸钠组、中药超微粉组MMP-1 表达量降低,TIMP-1 表达量升高;与玻璃酸钠组 比较,中药超微粉组MMP-1 表达量降低,TIMP-1 表达量升高;差异均具有统计学意义(P 均<0.05)。 结论中药超微粉贴敷疗法治疗膝骨性关节炎有效,抑制关节软骨内MMP-1 表达、升高TIMP-1 表达可 能是其作用机制之一。
Objective To observe the intervention function and mechanism of Chinese medicine submicron powder towards the significance of Matrix Metalloproteinase- 1 (MMP- 1) and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in early-stage rabbit model with osteoarthritis. Methods 40 rabbits osteoarthritis model (right knee) were induced by improved Hulht methods and divided into 4 groups including modeling control group, traditional Chinese medicine group, sodium hyaluronate group, and Chinese medicine submicron powder group randomly. Right knees of 10 healthy rabbits were used as control group. Treatment for modeling control group was external application of medical adhesive plaster, 12 hours per time and once per day for 6 weeks; treatment for traditional Chinese medicine group wasexternal application of traditional methods of Chinese medicine crushing, 12 hours per time and once per day for 6 weeks; treatment for sodium hyaluronate group was intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate 0.25 ml per time, and once per week for 6 weeks; and treatment for Chinese medicine submicron powder group was topical external application of Chinese medicine submicron powder (same ingredient as traditional Chinese Medicine) 12 hours per time and once per day for 6 weeks. MMP- 1 and TIMP- 1 expression from subchondral bone of rabbit’s knee joints were measured with immunohistochemistry methods. Data analysis was performed ysing SPSS 13.0 software. Results Immunohistochemistry Results showed that Chinese medicine submicron powder could reduce the articular cartilage of MMP- 1 expression rate and increase TIMP- l expression in articular cartilage and subchondral bone; there were significant differences compared with sodium hyaluronate group (P<0.05). Conclusions Chinese medicine submicron powder can intervene the reparation process of the articular cartilage fundamentally by reducing the articular cartilage of MMP-1 expression rate and increasing TIMP-l expression in articular cartilage.


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基金项目:黑龙江省教育厅课题(12541770) 作者简介:徐英杰,博士研究生,助理研究员,主要从事中西医结合的临床工作 通信作者:尹羽薇,E-mail: xwb7021@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2014-07-30