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 LU Li-xin*,YUE Chuan,ZHANG Dong,et al.The investigation of water drinking behavior and knowledge among the adult residents in Beijing[J].,2013,(04):280-283.





The investigation of water drinking behavior and knowledge among the adult residents in Beijing
1.北京市西城区疾病预防控制中心,北京 100120; 2.中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所,北京 100050
LU Li-xin*YUE ChuanZHANG DongYU Guo-longHU Xiao-qiGAO XiaZHANG Qian
*Xicheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 100120,China Corresponding author:LU Li-xin,E-mail:lulixin518@sina.com
饮水 知识 行为
Drinking water Knowledge Behavior
目的 了解北京市成年居民对健康饮水知识的知晓情况,及饮水知识与实际行为之间的关系。方法 采用多阶段随机抽样的方法,从北京市抽取400名18~60岁的城乡居民作为调查对象,通过面对面询问填写一般情况调查问卷和居民饮水知识问卷,采用连续7 d的饮水记录表了解调查对象的饮水情况。结果 调查对象中知道每天最少饮水量的有267人,占66.8%,知道饮水不足对身体健康有危害的有360人,占90.0%,知道何时饮水的有242人,占60.5%,知道白水是最健康的饮品有335人,占83.8%。掌握每天最少饮水量的研究对象,其实际饮水量和饮水次数均高于不掌握此知识的研究对象,差异均有统计学意义(饮水量:Z=-4.888,P<0.001; 平均每日饮水次数:Z=-3.725,P<0.001)。掌握饮水不足对健康危害的研究对象平均每日饮水次数高于不掌握此知识的研究对象,差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.300,P=0.021)。掌握白水是最佳饮品的研究对象的实际白水饮水量高于不知道此知识的研究对象,以上差异有统计学意义(Z=-7.682,P<0.001)。每天应饮水量与实际饮水量有相关性(r=0.337,P<0.001),认为每天是否最应该喝白水与实际饮用白水量有相关性(r=0.394,P<0.001),相关性均有统计学意义。结论 北京市成年居民的饮水知识不全面,每天饮用白水和最少饮水量是今后对大众开展健康饮水的健康教育的重点。
objective To investigate the awareness of health drinking water-related knowledge among the adult residents in Beijing,and the relation between water drinking knowledge and actual behaviors.Methods Four hundred adult residents aged from 18 to 60 years old were selected from the urban and rural areas in Beijing by the method of multi-stage random sampling.Questionnaire survey about general situation and residents' drinking water knowledge was conduct through face to face interviewing,and continuous drinking water records in 7 days were used to collect the residents' drinking water information.Results Among the respondents:Residents who know the minimum water consumption accounted for 66.8%,Residents who know the lack of water drinking harmed to heath accounted for 90.0%,Residents who know what time to drink accounted for 60.5%,Residents who know the drinking water is the best beverage accounted for 83.8%.There was statistical difference of the amount and frequency of the drinking water consumption between the group who know the minimum water consumption and the group who don't(drinking water consumption:Z=-4.888,P<0.001,average times of water drinking per day:Z=-3.725,P<0.001).There was statistical difference of the times of daily water drinking between the group who know the lack of water drinking harmed to heath and the group who don't(Z=-2.300,P=0.021).There was statistical difference of actual drinkingwater consumption between the group who know the drinking water is the best beverage and the group who don't(Z=-7.682,P<0.001).There are positive correlation between daily drinking water need and actual consumption(r=0.337,P<0.001),also between the belief whether drinking water should be taken everyday and the actual drinking water consumption(r=0.394,P<0.001).All of the correlation above were statistically significant.Conclusion There are poor comprehension of drinking water knowledge among the adult residents in Beijing,and it is the core of health education to teach the public about the knowledge of necessary daily water drinking and the minimum drinking water consumption.


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作者简介:卢立新,主任医师,主要从事健康教育与慢性病防治工作 通讯作者:卢立新,E-mail:lulixin518@sina.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-05-20